Silence allows you to be one with your inner thoughts, but is that a good thing? Find out with Small Mouth Sounds
~Review and Photos by Dana Nöllsch~
The Story of Small Mouth Sounds
Six people looking to improve their lives decide to participate in a weekend retreat in the stillness of the woods. The retreat is led by a spiritual guru who we find out has challenges of his/her own ( the role of the guru/teacher will be played by three different actors at different performance dates). The six participants come from different walks of life, but if you have taken a retreat like this, you will recognize one or more of these characters; perhaps you will even see yourself reflected back at you from the stage.
As the participants arrive, they discover that the retreat will have a strict structure, not the least of which will be complete silence for the weekend. However, many find the strict rules difficult, and some find them refreshing.
As their weekend progresses, each participant shows more of who they are and what they are looking for. These are the individual stories that will make you care for the people on stage. There is a vulnerability to each of the characters that is enhanced further by the silence they must maintain.
Small Mouth Sounds is hilarious but also profound, as each character struggles with their challenges. As a result, many of us can identify with one or more of these characters on a personal level.
Production Transparency: This show may feature nudity, simulated sexual intercourse, use of adult substances, adult language, mention of suicide, and topics of infidelity, illness, death, and grieving.
Reno Little Theater
The Performances
This cast is perfect!
Each actor fits the character they are portraying to a tee. They work well as individuals and as an ensemble, blending and feeding off each other in a delightful way. The direction has also brought the performances together, adding to the fluid blending of each story. Each performance is worthy of more than I have time to write but trust me when I tell you that these actors’ performances are among the best that you will ever see.
One of the strengths that Reno Little Theater is known for is its sets, and the stage for Small Mouth Sounds is no exception. So when you first enter the theater to see Small Mouth Sounds, you will be in an environment perfect for a yoga class, peaceful and tranquil. Chad Sweet always sets the stage with style and excellence.
Why should you see Small Mouth Sounds?
If you want to experience a fun, light-hearted play with as profound a meaning as you are ready to feel, then Small Mouth Sounds is the play for you.
From a photographer’s point of view
As a photographer, the visual elements of a production are essential. So I am adding a new section to my reviews that will go into how it was to capture the moments of the performances you will see in my reviews. This section may become a regular part of my reviews, or not.
Small Mouth Sounds was a delight to photograph. The actors are physically expressive and tell a story with just a facial expression. As you look at the photos, you will see that the actors are very expressive, and that ability is a delight to a photographer. The tricky part is keeping up with these talented actors as they take the audience through the story they tell.
The lighting was also a delight to work with, and this is not always the case in small theaters. Lighting can set the mood of the scene in subtle yet powerful ways if done cleverly.
I invite you to take a moment to view the photos from Small Mouth Sounds and feel the emotions from each image. You will find passion, loss, loneliness, desire, happiness, frustration, and more. It is a pleasure and honor to capture these talented actors’ work.
Please take a look at the photos and let me know your favorites. I look forward to your input.
Small Mouth Sounds
Written By Bess Wohl
Directed by Adi Cabral
Sophie Moeller as Joan
La Ronda Etheridge as Judy
Kristina Charpentier as Alicia
Scott Hernandez as Ned
Stephen Schillo as Rodney
Patrick Mink as Jan
Bradford Ka’ai’ai as Teacher (4/15 & 4/20-4/23)
Stephanie Cook as Teacher (4/14 & 4/27-4/30)
Abraham Vasquez as Teacher (4/16 & 5/5- 5/7)
Assistant Director: Megan Aguas
Stage Manager: Erich Goldstein
Assistant Stage Manager: Emma Achtabowski
Scenic, Sound Design, Props: Chad Sweet
Lighting Design: Jess Brown
Accent & Dialect Coach: Rosie Brownlow-Calkin
Intimacy Direction: Thomas Rao
Fight Choreographer: Bryce Keil
Costumes: Moira Bengochea
Performance Dates
Reno Little Theater Dates
April 14,15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 @ 7:30 pm
April 16, 23, 30 @ 2 pm
Brewery Arts Center in Carson City Dates
May 5 & 6 @ 7 pm
May 7 @ 2 pm
For Tickets and more information, go to:
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